Connections Dec 2023 TC

迪士尼精品快閃店,為顧客帶來節日驚喜 Disney pop-up shops bring festive surprises to customers hello 「夜遊賞」 hello Fun Night! 為 積極響應香港特區政府推出的「香港夜繽紛」 項目,恒隆旗下七大商場攜手推出「 hello 『夜遊賞』」,與商戶合作帶來連串夜市專屬優惠及 限定活動,部分商戶更延長營業時間至晚上 11 時, 吸引市民於夜間外出消費。 I n support of the Hong Kong SAR government’s efforts to promote the “Night Vibes Hong Kong” campaign, seven Hang Lung malls have launched a series of “hello Exclusive Rewards” and “Night Consumption” activities. These initiatives include dedicated night markets with special offers from merchants and time-limited events. Furthermore, some merchants have extended their operating hours until 11:00 p.m., to entice residents to venture out and participate in nighttime shopping and leisure activities. H ang Lung and Disney China have teamed up to celebrate Disney’s 100 th birthday. From now until January 2, 2024, the “100 Smiles” themed event is being held at seven Hang Lung malls in six cities across mainland China. Beloved Disney characters such as “Mickey”, “Donald Duck”, “Buzz Lightyear”, and “Sulley” will be brought to life through captivating installation art, bringing the enchantment of Disney into the real world and creating a joyous celebration for customers. In addition to the wonderful experience of witnessing these Disney characters’ smiles in person, customers will also enjoy a range of exciting activities at each Hang Lung mall. These activities include exclusive gifts with purchases, bonus points on selected brands, and a vibrant array of on-site events. Throughout the nearly two- month festive season, customers can look forward to gifts and delightful surprises. 9 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E