Connections Mar 2024 SC

行政总裁卢韦柏先生(中)于周年 晚宴颁发“绿宝石客户服务奖”予 两位沈阳市府恒隆广场得奖者 : (左)刘孟卓 、 (右)郑天爱 During the Annual Dinner, Mr. Weber Lo, Chief Executive Officer (center), presented the Emerald Award to winners, Gemma Liu (left) and Tina Zheng (right) from Forum 66, Shenyang “绿宝石客户服务奖”得主来自 Emerald Award Winners are from: 沈阳市府恒隆广场 Forum 66, Shenyang “绿宝石客户服务奖”优异奖得主来自 Merit Award Winners are from: 沈阳市府恒隆广场 Forum 66, Shenyang 香港淘大花园 Amoy Gardens, Hong Kong 昆明恒隆广场 Spring City 66, Kunming 绿宝石客户服务奖 Emerald Award “以客为尊”一直是恒隆的服务宗旨 , 为推动 同事精益求精及实践以客为尊的精神 , 公司设 立了“绿宝石客户服务奖” 。 本年度的“绿宝石 客户服务奖”共收到来自香港及内地项目共 309 份提名 , 经管理层评选后由沈阳市府恒隆 广场客户服务副主任刘孟卓 、 客户服务领班 郑天爱获得 。 二人透过“恒隆会”为顾客创造 独特尊尚的个性化体验 , 不但在顾客心中构建 良好的品牌形象 , 更让客人在恒隆的商场内尽 情享受购物乐趣 。 多做一点 前瞻一里 除了以奖项予以肯定 , 公司更安排“绿宝石 客户服务奖”及优异奖的得奖者到访五星级 酒店 , 让同事了解及学习高端客户服务的专业 技巧及知识 , 待回到岗位时可以学以致用 , 实践“多做一点 前瞻一里”的精神 。 The Company established the Emerald Award to promote service excellence and encourage colleagues to realize customer-centricity as a core strategy. This year, after receiving 309 nominations from our projects in Hong Kong and on the Mainland, the Emerald Award was awarded to Gemma Liu, Assistant Officer – Customer Service, and Tina Zheng, Customer Service Supervisor, from Forum 66, Shenyang. The unique, personalized experience they curated for our customers via HOUSE 66 not only built a robust brand image, but also encouraged them to indulge in the joy of visiting our malls. Going the Extra Mile In addition to the recognition received at the ceremony, winners of the Emerald Award and Merit Award were treated to a service tour at a five-star hotel in Hong Kong, aimed at enhancing professionalism by providing valuable insights into high-end customer service. Inspired by the experience, they will certainly return to their positions renewed with enthusiasm to take the spirit of “going the extra mile” to new heights. 13 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E