Connections Mar 2024 SC

推动房地产 可持续发展 Supporting the Sustainable Development of Real Estate 早 前 , 恒隆地产及清华大学恒隆 房地产研究中心联合举办首个 《房地产可持续发展 2023 年年度 论坛》 , 展示了中心在过去一年围绕 房地产可持续发展的研究成果 。 论坛由恒隆地产副董事长陈文博先生 及清华大学恒隆房地产研究中心 管委会副主任刘洪玉教授揭开 序幕 , 中心主任吴璟教授发布了 《中国房地产 ESG 发展现状与预期 调研》报告 , 而参与首届“房地产可 持续发展研究倡议支持计划”的 清华大学教师亦分享其研究成果 , 为房地产的可持续发展提供了具 前瞻性的创新思维及解决方案 。 H ang Lung Properties and The Hang Lung Center for Real Estate at Tsinghua University recently hosted the inaugural Sustainability in Real Estate Conference 2023 cum Annual Research Results Announcement. The event showcased the Center’s research outcomes from the previous year, providing valuable insights into the field of sustainable real estate. The Conference commenced with opening remarks by Mr. Adriel Chan, Vice Chair of Hang Lung Properties, and Professor Liu Hongyu, Vice Director of the Management Committee at The Hang Lung Center for Real Estate. Presentations highlighted forward-looking insights and innovative solutions for the real estate sector with Professor Wu Jing, Director of the Center, unveiling research findings on “Research for ESG Development and the Outlook of the Real Estate Industry”, and teachers from Tsinghua University introducing the results of their research projects from the inaugural “2023 Sustainable Real Estate Scheme”. 首届“房地产可持续发展研 究倡议支持计划”的七位 受资助教师于论坛上发布 其研究成果 The seven teachers funded by the inaugural “Sustainable Real Estate Scheme” present their research findings at the conference 营运层面 : 租户 合作可持续计划 Operational Level: Tenant Partnership Sustainability Program 在营运层面上 , 恒隆亦采取积极 措施 , 向香港及内地租户推动 可持续发展 。 我们在 2023 年 12 月 推出“ Changemakers ”—一个以 租户为焦点的自愿性可持续发展 计划 , 鼓励办公室 、 零售 、 餐饮和 酒店租户携手合作 , 在减低 碳排放 、 减少废物和促进社区福祉 等方面共同努力 , 实现共赢 。 在推动可持续发展的进程上 , 多方合作有着关键作用; 恒隆将继续透过多元途径 , 在不同的层面上积极促进 协同效应 , 发挥影响力 。 At operational level, Hang Lung has taken proactive steps to promote sustainability among its tenants in Hong Kong and mainland China. In December 2023, the Company introduced Changemakers, a tenant- focused voluntary sustainability program. This initiative encourages office, retail, F&B, and hospitality tenants to join forces to accelerate sustainability efforts. The program aims to realize the benefits of collaborative in areas such as the reduction of carbon emissions, waste minimization, and community wellbeing. Collaborative efforts play a crucial role in driving sustainability progress, and Hang Lung actively seeks avenues to foster synergy and collective impact. 15 可 持 续 发 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y