Connections Mar 2024 SC

义工嘉许礼 Volunteer Award Presentation 十大杰出义工(香港) The Top 10 Volunteers (Hong Kong) 2 023 年 , 12 支恒隆一心义工队于 香港及内地 9 个城市 11 个项目 , 连系员工 、 其亲友 、 租户及各地社区 伙伴 , 举办了合共 129 次义工活动 , 让超过 37,000 名弱势青少年 、 基层 妇女 、 长者及残疾人士等不同社群 受惠 , 共建关爱共融社区 。 日前 副董事长陈文博先生于香港的周年 晚宴上向杰出义工颁发嘉许状 , 表扬 他们的无私付出和贡献 。 为进一步推广义工文化 , 今年义工队 增设多个奖项 , 包括“义工参与度 最高部门奖”及“义工参与度最高 项目奖” , 表扬积极参与义工服务的 香港部门及内地项目 , 期望同事能 互相鼓励 , 以“只选好的 只做对的” 理念服务社群 。 I n 2023, 12 Hang Lung As One Volunteer Teams organized 129 volunteer activities across Hong Kong and 9 Mainland cities. They connected with colleagues, their family and friends, tenants, and community partners to benefit more than 37,000 people from vulnerable groups such as underprivileged youth, grassroots women, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities, creating a diverse and inclusive community. Recently, Mr. Adriel Chan, Vice Chair, presented certificates to outstanding volunteers at the Annual Dinner in Hong Kong, acknowledging their effort and dedication. To further promote volunteering among colleagues, a number of new awards have been introduced this year, including the Most-Engaged Department Award (Volunteer Participation) and the Most-Engaged Project Award (Volunteer Participation). These awards recognize Hong Kong departments and Mainland projects most active in volunteering and seek to motivate colleagues to live out our We Do It Well motto by volunteering to serve the community. 义工参与度最高项目奖 Most-Engaged Project Award (Volunteer Participation) 做义工除了回馈社会外 , 亦能增强团 队及部门之间的默契及连系 ! Volunteering can strengthen teamwork and collaboration between different departments while giving back to society! 义工参与度最高部门奖 Most-Engaged Department Award (Volunteer Participation) 潘舜雅 Janet Poon 董事— 人力资源及行政 Director – Human Resources & Administration (右二) (2 nd from the right) 洪志翔 Jimmy Hong 总 经理— 杭州恒隆广场 General Manager, Westlake 66, Hangzhou (右一) (1 st from the right) 我们将继续组织不同义工服务 , 回应 社会的需要 , 与公司携手促进大众福祉 。 We will continue to organize various volunteer activities tailored to the specific needs of the local community, joining the company in enhancing social wellbeing . 16 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 03 2024 可 持 续 发 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y