Connections Mar 2024 SC

2023 新里程 A New Chapter 因疫情而顺延一年后 , 恒隆地产与香港科技 大学建立新的伙伴关系 。 After a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic, a new partnership between Hang Lung Properties and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is formed. 2016 2018 2021 2,600 学生 STUDENTS 600 老师 TEACHERS 460 研究报告 RESEARCH REPORTS 200+ 学校 SCHOOLS 800+ 队伍 TEAMS 200+ 得奖者 WINNERS SHAPING OUR FUTURE 陈文博先生 Mr. Adriel Chan 恒隆地产副董事长 Vice Chair, Hang Lung Properties “数学将成为未来的通用 语言 。 追寻梦想 、 努力 勤奋是对这里所有年轻人 的极佳建议 。 ” “ Mathematics will be the new lingua franca going forward. Dream big and work hard. These are excellent pieces of advice for all young people here.” 高浩医生 Dr. Owen H. Ko 2004 年恒隆数学奖得主 、 香港中文大学医学院 助理院长(研究) 2004 HLMA winner and Assistant Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong “这次由恒隆数学奖提供的机会 (颁奖礼上的炉边对谈)已经 是一个极好的示例 , 向中学生 传播和分享神经科学及神经 工程领域的资讯 。 ” “This opportunity (a Fireside Chat at the Awards Presentation) is an excellent example of disseminating messages and sharing with high school students what is happening in the field of neuroscience and neural engineering.” 盘沁翘女士 Ms. Ewina Pun 2012 年恒隆数学奖得主 、 美国布朗大学博士生 2012 HLMA winner and doctoral candidate at Brown University “我回想当初参加 HLMA 时 , 从一个基本问题或一个研究领域 开始 , 深入探究 , 看看能否找到 解决方案 。 对我来说 , 作为一名 工程师 , 我真的很想找到问题的 解决方案 , 以及如何透过工程 技术来解决它 。 ” “I will lookback to when I first joined HLMA. You start with a basic problem or a field of study, then you dive deeper into the problem and see if we can find a solution. In my mind, as an engineer, I really want to find solutions to problems and how we can solve that through engineering techniques.” 足本里程内容 Milestone in full version 恒隆数学奖的官方网站 、 Facebook 和 Instagram 。 HLMA website, Facebook and Instagram. 本地大师 Local Masters 本地的杰出数学家欣赏学生的 努力 、 原创性和追梦的勇气 , 每两年都乐于与他们会面 。 The best mathematicians in Hong Kong come together every two years to meet our students. What attracts them is their shared appreciation of our students’ hard work, originality, and the audacity to pursue one’s dream. 分享求知的热情 Sharing a Passion for Learning 恒隆数学奖出版了一系列由历 届得奖者的专题研究报告集 , 免费给予全港中学 、 公共 图书馆和教育机构 。 HLMA proudly released a collection of research papers by HLMA winners, which are distributed free of charge to all secondary schools in Hong Kong, public libraries, and educational institutions. 7 专 题 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y