Connections Mar 2024 TC
以人為本 嘉許優秀員工 Contribution and Excellence Deserve Recognition 員 工是公司重要的資產,於周年晚宴上, 管理層分別向優秀員工頒發「長期服務 獎」及「綠寶石客戶服務獎」,表揚他們 對公司的貢獻及追求卓越的表現。 A t Hang Lung, we regard our people as a key asset. During the Annual Dinner, outstanding colleagues were presented with the Long Service Award and Emerald Award for their contributions and excellent performance. 309 綠寶石客戶服務獎 Emerald Award 份提名 nominations 100 長期服務獎 Long Service Award 位同事 colleagues 董事長陳啟宗先生(中)向 30 年長期服務 獎得獎者頒發獎章:林麗英、李宏基 (左一、二)、胡建義、楊迪華(右一、二) Chair, Mr. Ronnie C. Chan, presented medals to colleagues who have served for 30 years: Cecily Lam, Johnson Li (1 st and 2 nd from the left), Kenny Wu, and Yeung Tik Wa (1 st and 2 nd from the right) 長期服務獎 Long Service Award 向一百位功臣致敬 本年一共有 100 位同事獲頒長期服務獎,其中 4 位 更在恒隆服務 30 年,他們在不同的崗位盡忠 職守,為公司盡心服務,其追求卓越的精神, 獲得了出席周年晚宴的同事們的熱烈掌聲,藉以 向他們表達由衷的敬意。 100 colleagues honored This year, 100 colleagues were awarded the Long Service Award, 4 of whom have served Hang Lung for 30 years. Their remarkable contributions and spirit of striving for excellence received warm applause from colleagues attending the Annual Dinner, expressing their sincere respect. 12 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 03 2024 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E
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