Connections Mar 2024 TC
獎 項 與 榮 譽 A W A R D S A N D H O N O R S 年報獎項 ANNUAL REPORT AWARD Mercury Awards 恒隆地產 2022 年年報於美國 MerComm, Inc. 主辦的 2023/24 年 Mercury Awards 中獲得 「撰文︰主席致函」銀獎殊榮。 Hang Lung Properties 2022 Annual Report won the Silver Winner award in the category, “Writing: Chairman’s Letter” at the Mercury Awards 2023/24 organized by MerComm, Inc. of the United States. 人力資源獎項 HR AWARD JobsDB – The Hong Kong HR Awards 恒隆地產在「 JobsDB – The Hong Kong HR Awards 2023/24 」中獲頒「 Learning & Development Award 」和 「 Innovative Engagement Strategy Award 」兩項殊榮,表揚 公司出色的培訓及發展策略,和卓越的人才發展工作。 Hang Lung Properties won the “Learning & Development Award” and “Innovative Engagement Strategy Award” at the JobsDB – The Hong Kong HR Awards 2023/24. These awards recognize our outstanding learning and development strategies, and talent development practices to nurture our people. ESG 獎項 ESG AWARD 第 13 屆中國公益節 The 13 th China Philanthropy Festival 恒隆於第 13 屆中國公益節 榮獲「 2023 年度教育公益 貢獻獎」及「 2023 年度 ESG 先鋒企業獎」,以表揚公司 在推動可持續發展、促進 社會及員工發展,及提升 大眾福祉的努力及貢獻。 Hang Lung has garnered the “2023 ESG Pioneer Enterprise Award” and “2023 Annual Education Philanthropy Contribution Award” at the 13 th China Philanthropy Festival, affirming the Company’s commitment to promoting sustainability, fostering the development of society and its staff, and its contribution to enhancing social wellbeing. 19 獎 項 與 榮 譽 A W A R D S A N D H O N O R S
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