Connections Mar 2024 TC

周年晚宴滿載感謝與嘉許 Appreciation & Recognition at Annual Dinner 恒 隆地產於疫情復常後的首個周年晚宴已於 2024 年 3 月 1 日圓滿舉行,公司上下匯聚 一堂。當晚節目豐富,除頒發長期服務獎、 綠寶石客戶服務獎及傑出義工獎外,一眾同事更 悉心打扮,角逐最佳造型獎;來自不同部門的 同事更為我們大展舞藝,把氣氛推到最高。 另外,董事長陳啟宗先生將於本年 4 月榮休, 為向他表達最衷心的感謝,公司特別把他由 1991 年擔任董事長一職起、逾 30 年來於《年度報告》內 親筆撰寫之「致股東函」輯錄成書―《 An Era in His Words 》,並由副董事長陳文博先生及行政 總 裁盧韋柏先生代表致贈。陳啟宗多年來洋洋灑 灑,逾 40 萬字的深刻洞見,一一集結於書中, 意義非凡。 H ang Lung Properties' Annual Dinner on March 1, 2024, marked the first physical gathering after the pandemic, and successfully brought together employees from all levels of the Company. The atmosphere was electric, as we witnessed the presentation of the Long Service Award, Emerald Award and Volunteer Award, a spirited dance performance by talented colleagues, and various teams dressed up in impressive costumes for the Best Dressed Award. In honor of Chair, Mr. Ronnie C. Chan’s upcoming retirement in April, and as a gesture of gratitude for his contributions over the decades, the Company compiled a book – An Era in His Words – a compendium of his renowned Letters to Shareholders , personally penned for the Annual Reports since assuming the Chair in 1991. Containing more than 400,000 words of profound insights, the extraordinary gift holds great significance and serves as a testament to his exceptional leadership. 8 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 03 2024 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E 連 C