Connections Mar 2024 TC

管理層聚首  探索增長祕訣 Management Meets to Discover Smart Growth 恒 隆管理層會議亦於同日舉行,本年度會議以 「 Discovering Smart Growth 」為主題,邀得 四位企業巨頭以「環球經濟」、「企業高質量發展 之道」、「重新想像空間」和「建立社群」等主題分享 真知灼見。他們精闢的見解賦予管理層知識與 建議,以實現公司可持續增長的使命。 O n the same day, The Hang Lung Management Conference themed, “Discovering Smart Growth” invited four distinguished business leaders to share critical insights into “the global economy”, “high quality corporate development”, "reimagining spaces" and “building communities”, giving our management team valuable knowledge and advice to realize our mission of pursuing sustainable growth. 各部門的同事透過團隊建設活動體現合作精神 Team building activities to strengthen cross- departmental team spirit 會議其中一個環節為行政 總 裁大獎頒獎典禮,表揚 同事在實踐公司願景、使命和價值觀的優秀表現。 本年度的金獎由上海港匯恒隆廣場奪得,項目聯動 《劇院魅影》,在該劇中文版首演之際,獨家攜手 製作團隊在商場內華麗上演經典劇幕,租戶在活動 期間更發布品牌的首發單品,協同作用下引起廣泛 關注,亦為顧客帶來別具一格的恒隆品牌體驗。 The CEO Award Ceremony was also held during the Management Conference to recognize teams who remarkably demonstrated Hang Lung’s vision, mission and values. The Gold Award was presented to Grand Gateway 66, Shanghai, for their collaboration with the Chinese version of the renowned international musical, The Phantom of the Opera. The whole mall was transformed into a magnificent theater, while the mall’s brands offered limited-edition products to boost traffic and sales. The collaborative effort created an exceptional branded experience for our customers. 9 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E