Communication with Stakeholders

Shareholders Communication Policy

We have a shareholders communication policy setting out strategies to promote effective communication with shareholders, with the aim of ensuring that shareholders are provided with information about the Company to enable them to engage actively with the Company and to exercise their rights as shareholders in an informed manner.

Letters to Shareholders & Annual General Meetings

Our commitment to improve transparency and enhance communications with shareholders is evidenced by Letters to Shareholders personally written by our Chair of the Board. They have provided an in-depth discussion and analysis on the Group's business, as well as the market and economic outlook.

In addition to the Letter to Shareholders, among the multiple channels we maintain for keeping close contact with all our shareholders, our annual general meeting, which enjoys strong participation from shareholders, provides a particularly good opportunity for communication between the Board and the shareholders. The chairs of the Board and of its committees are normally present to answer queries raised by shareholders. External auditor also attends and reports to shareholders at the annual general meeting every year.

The Chair uses the annual general meeting as an opportunity to open a dialogue with shareholders and to elaborate on the outlook of the Group and its business strategies.

Procedure for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election as a Director

Please click HERE to download the Procedure

Enquiries from Shareholders

Specific enquiries and suggestions by shareholders can be sent in writing to the Board or the Company Secretary at our registered address or by email to the Company at In addition, shareholders can contact Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, the share registrar of the Company, if they have any enquiries about their shareholdings or entitlement to dividend.

The Company continuously enhances its website as a means of communication with stakeholders. Principal corporate governance structure, newsletters and investor relations news are available on our website.


Stakeholders Engagement

We maintain a constant dialogue with institutional investors and analysts through analysts presentations, investor meetings, conference calls and overseas non-deal roadshows.