Governance Practices & Structure


Good corporate governance has been the vital foundation of the Company's well-being, the key to our continuing success, and central to our bright prospects for future advancement.

Corporate belief must be supported and practiced by all levels of employees. The We Do It Well business philosophy extends from the Board to all of our employees of different positions and at all levels all of who strive to uphold the highest standard of integrity and honesty in every aspect of our business.

We are also acutely aware that in a rapidly changing world, good corporate governance demands constant innovation and adaptation to address new challenges and grasp fresh opportunities in order to maintain our competitive advantage.

Corporate Governance Code

We have adopted, fully complied with, and in many cases exceeded, the code provisions and recommended best practices of the Corporate Governance Code as stated in Appendix C1 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

Core Principles

In our core principles of good corporate governance we emphasize transparency and accountability to all stakeholders, maintaining high standards of integrity and establishing trust through sound governance practices. We instill these principles into our corporate culture through leadership by example, appropriate training, effective risk management and sound internal controls.

Corporate Governance Structure


1. Executive Committee – click HERE to view more.
2. Nomination and Remuneration Committee – click HERE to view more.
3. Audit Committee – click HERE to view more.

Committed above all to providing benefit to our stakeholders, the Company strives to meet the highest standard of corporate governance with a highly qualified Board of Directors underpinned by sound internal control and effective risk management systems.

Competition Law Compliance Policy

Hang Lung regards honesty, integrity and fair play as our core values that must be upheld by all directors and staff of Hang Lung at all times. Therefore, Hang Lung has developed a policy of absolute compliance with competition law, including the Competition Ordinance (Cap 619) in Hong Kong and the Anti-Monopoly Law and Anti-Unfair Competition Law in the People’s Republic of China. All Hang Lung’s employees are required to strictly adhere to this policy and breaches of competition law will not be tolerated. The principles in this Policy provide guidance for our compliance with competition law and these may be amended from time to time.

If you have further questions or need to report an incident, please contact Ms. Winnie Ma, Director – General Counsel & Company Secretary without delay.

Click HERE for details.