Hang Lung Wins Two Golds for Annual Report in Acclaimed MERCURY Awards

Press Release | Feb 27, 2017

Hang Lung's 2015 annual report wins two Gold MERCURY Awards in the category of “Annual Reports – Overall Presentation: Property Development” and “Annual Reports - Overall Presentation: Real Estate Developer”. 

(Hong Kong, February 27, 2017) Hang Lung Properties is pleased to announce that its 2015 annual report themed Honing Our Edge won two Gold Awards in the world-renowned 2016/2017 MERCURY Awards. The awards were won in the category of “Annual Reports – Overall Presentation: Property Development” and “Annual Reports - Overall Presentation: Real Estate Developer”, and were gained after the previous year’s annual report secured three similar awards. These honors are eloquent testimony to Hang Lung’s steadfast commitment to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance.

Mr. Philip Chen, Managing Director of Hang Lung Properties, said, “The annual reports not only serve the purpose of fulfilling the requirements set by regulatory departments for disclosing information, they are also an important channel for us to communicate with our stakeholders. The principle is always to be transparent. We elaborate on the Company’s long-term strategies and our operating status, providing stakeholders with clear and accurate information. This is the 9th time that we are recognized by the MERCURY Awards, and Hang Lung's 2015 annual report has now won five awards so far, which is hugely encouraging. Upholding the We Do It Right business philosophy, we will continue to enhance our corporate governance standards so as to set an excellent example for other corporations.”

Hang Lung's 2015 annual report themed Honing Our Edge adopted a twin-cover design together with the report on Hang Lung Group. The design showcases 12 aerial views of Hang Lung's world-class properties across Hong Kong and the Mainland. The shapes in the design form the infinity symbol "∞" to express the boundless creativity and innovation that have contributed so much to the success of our business.

Organized by MerComm, Inc. of the United States, the MERCURY Awards recognize and honor the world’s best achievements in public relations, public affairs and corporate communications in which exceptional intelligence, creativity, originality, style and effectiveness are demonstrated. This year, a total of 670 entries from 21 countries competed for the MERCURY Awards. 

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