Hang Lung Properties Clinches Investor Relations Award

Press Release | May 31, 2017

Assistant Director (Corporate Communications) Mr. C.F. Kwan (1st from left) and the Investor Relations Department from Hang Lung Properties receive the “Best IR Presentation Collaterals (Large Cap)” award at the Investor Relations Awards. 

(Hong Kong, May 31, 2017) Hang Lung Properties Limited is pleased to announce that the Company has won the “Best IR Presentation Collaterals (Large Cap)” award at the Investor Relations Awards organized by the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA). This is the third consecutive year that Hang Lung has been conferred with an award at the esteemed event. The honor affirms the Company’s continuous efforts in keeping close communications with investors to uphold high levels of transparency and exceptional standards in corporate governance.

Hang Lung is committed to using various channels to maintain close communications with investors, enabling them to fully understand the Company’s business updates and development strategies. Apart from regular analyst briefings, analyst and institutional conferences and forums, overseas non-deal roadshows, annual general meetings, and the publishing of annual reports, Hang Lung also organizes on-site tours for analysts to experience the results of the asset enhancement initiatives carried out in the Company’s properties in Hong Kong and mainland China. In addition, during the results announcement period, the Investor Relations Department also prepares special booklets with various financial figures presented for the analysts. Living up to the business philosophy of We Do It Right, Hang Lung will continue to uphold the highest standards of corporate governance and its well-defined governance structure so as to meet our obligations to our shareholders and other stakeholders, and to strive for a long-term and sustainable success.

This year has been the third year that the HKIRA has organized the Investor Relations Awards as a means to recognize outstanding performance in investor relations by listed companies and professionals. This year, there were around 340 nominated companies competing for awards in 23 categories. 


Besides the production of annual reports, interim reports and monthly corporate newsletters, Hang Lung Properties prepares special booklets for analysts to grasp the latest operational and financial figures so as to understand the Company’s latest business performance. 

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