Hang Lung Listed as an Index Component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

Press Release | Sep 14, 2017

Hang Lung Properties has been listed, for the first time, as an Index Component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) 2017 in the Asia Pacific Index. 

(Hong Kong, September 15, 2017) Hang Lung Properties is pleased to announce that the Company has been listed, for the first time, as an Index Component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) in the Asia Pacific Index. The global indices recognize companies with outstanding achievements in corporate sustainability. Only the top 20% of the 600 largest companies from the Asia Pacific have been selected, while only nine companies in Hong Kong are included in the DJSI Asia Pacific Index.

Mr. Adriel Chan, Executive Director of Hang Lung Properties, and also the Chairman of the Sustainability Steering Committee, said “We are honored and gratified to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices this year. The Company has worked hard to improve operations, transparency, governance, and stakeholder engagement in order to build a more sustainable business. Sustainability remains a priority for us, and this inclusion recognizes our efforts. The team is now inspired to work even harder, and I look forward to reporting our progress in our future reports.”

Launched in 1999, the DJSI were the first global sustainability indices that track the performance of leading companies. Their integrated assessment includes long-term economic, environmental, and social dimensions, such as human rights, policy influence, corporate governance, codes of business conduct, resource conversation and efficiency, supply-chain standards, and labor practices.

In order to provide a comprehensive view of the Company’s sustainability performance, Hang Lung issued a standalone Sustainability Report for the fourth straight year. The report focuses on the environmental, social and economic impacts arising from the Company’s operations in Hong Kong and mainland China, and the Company’s performance in three major areas: sustainable buildings, human capital management, and partnerships, including supply chain management. It is written in accordance with the core option of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and adheres to the Environmental, Social, and Governance Reporting Guide (ESG Guide) issued by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

Hang Lung’s continual efforts in fostering sustainable development in the communities that we serve have gained prominent recognition in both the local and international arena, including the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index and the Hang Seng (Mainland and Hong Kong) Corporate Sustainability Index, which were launched in July 2010. The Company also benchmarks the environmental performance of its properties by a very high global standard, namely the Gold Level of the Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) Core and Shell certification, issued by the U.S. Green Building Council. As of 2016, all of 10 of our properties in mainland China have been awarded gold certifications or pre-certifications under LEED. In Hong Kong, our residential project, 23-39 Blue Pool Road, has also received the Gold Level certificate under the LEED for Homes. It is one of the first projects in the world registered under this International Pilot Scheme. 

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