Hang Lung Publishes Sustainability Report 2016

Press Release | Sep 29, 2017

Hang Lung Properties presents its latest Sustainability Report, covering the sustainability achievements during the financial year, January 1 to December 31, 2016.

(Hong Kong, September 29, 2017) Hang Lung Properties Limited publishes its Sustainability Report 2016 today. The report covers the challenges and achievements of the Company in pursuing sustainability throughout its day-to-day operations from January 1 to December 31, 2016, with its sustainability vision applied in five major areas, namely sound governance, employer of choice, community integration, green operations, and sustainable buildings.

Highlights of Hang Lung’s sustainability achievements in 2016:
Sound Governance
- Further strengthened Enterprise Risk Management framework to cover all strategic risks at the corporate level.
- Reinforced the Company’s crisis management system and ensured the readiness of our employees to handle any crisis event. Completed crisis audits for properties in mainland China.

Employer of Choice
- Increased the total number of training hours for employees by 12% to 97,012 hours in 2016, equivalent to 20.5 training hours per employee.
- Delivered nearly 5,000 hours of online training through the eAcademy 66 platform in its first year of operation.

Community Integration
- Organized more than 100 volunteer activities under the theme ‘Better Me, Better Society’ in 2016, contributing nearly 14,000 volunteer service hours.

Green Operations
- Achieved a 19% reduction in electricity intensity at properties in Hong Kong and mainland China in 2015 against the 2010 baseline.
- With outstanding results achieved over the past five years, the Company has committed to a more stringent target of reducing the Company’s electricity intensity by 12% by 2020, taking the 2015 electricity consumption figures across our properties as a new baseline.
- In 2016, the proportion of goods in Hong Kong purchased with environmental considerations in mind was 52%, doubling the absolute spending when compared with 2015.

Sustainable Buildings
- Launched a new Project Management Manual and provided greater clarity on the key fundamental control principles and procedures governing the various stages of the project development cycle.
- The Standard Chartered Bank Building was awarded the Final Platinum Rating under the BEAM Plus V1.2 for Existing Buildings by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC).
- Olympia 66 in Dalian secured the Gold rating under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification program of the U.S. Green Building Council. It was the sole commercial property in the city to have received a plaque in recognition of being “The Model for Accessible Commercial Complexes in Dalian” from the Union for the Disabled in Dalian and is also the Company’s pilot site for the Barrier-Free Access Enhancement Project, which aims to make all of our malls barrier-free.

Mr. Adriel Chan, Executive Director of Hang Lung Properties, and also the Chairman of the Sustainability Steering Committee, said “We are honored that the Company has been listed as one of Index Components of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) in the Asia Pacific Index 2017. It is an important milestone for us.” He added, “Sustainability is a Board-level priority. We believe that operating sustainably is not only the right thing to do, but the only way to do it. We have historically done well in governance and green buildings. In recent years, we have made leaps and bounds in measurement and transparency. Going forward, we would like to focus on building operations, and engaging our communities.”

For the fourth consecutive year, Hang Lung’s Sustainability Report is written in accordance with the core option of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and adopts the revised Environmental, Social, and Governance Reporting Guide (ESG Guide) contained in Appendix 27 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency has provided an independent verification of the information included in this report.

Hang Lung has also presented the Sustainability Highlights 2016 for the first time, highlighting 10 stories that cover four aspects, including corporate governance, buildings and the environment, employees, and the community. This supplementary report facilitates a comprehensive understanding of how the Company integrates sustainability into its business for a broad range of readers.

The digital Sustainability Report 2016 is now available for download from the Company’s website:

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