Leading with Values: A Dialogue with Chair, Adriel Chan

Feature Story | Jun 27, 2024

(Click the image above to watch full video interview)

In April 2024, Hang Lung Group and Hang Lung Properties appointed a new Chair – Adriel Chan. Despite the seniority of his role, those who have worked with Adriel can vouch for his down-to-earth nature and approachability. 

Outside of the office, Adriel seeks out personal challenges to foster growth and self-improvement. One of the surprising ways Adriel does this is through skateboarding. Connections looks at what makes Adriel tick, as he shares his vision and insights into work and life.


A Leader Shaped by Experience

Adriel’s journey with Hang Lung began in 2010, when he first joined the Finance Department at Grand Gateway 66, Shanghai. He later transitioned to the Leasing Department, where he acquired a valuable base for devising leasing strategies. "I learned a lot and gained a wealth of knowledge related to the real estate industry," Adriel recalls.

His knowledge and hands-on experience grew stronger when he relocated to Hong Kong in 2012, taking on design and project management responsibilities, and shepherding the completion of many Hang Lung projects. One particular experience that left a mark on Adriel was the pre-opening period of Olympia 66 in Dalian. "I can recall going through a multitude of challenges while bringing the mall to life during the final stage of preparation," he says. However, through the collaboration and diligent efforts of the team, Olympia 66 triumphed over the myriad of challenges and became the center for high-end brands in the city. "It is now the best mall in Dalian, thanks to the local team's collaboration with our headquarters teams, who faced obstacles head-on, and optimized every aspect of the mall to achieve its current status. I am very proud of them."

Adriel's approach to management revolves around four core principles that are now ingrained in Hang Lung's culture: integrity, sustainability, excellence, and openness. He believes that taking them to heart will help get us through the current challenging time. "They are not only the Company's core values, but also my personal principles. I believe that if you live by these four standards, things will be done well."

Integrity, Sustainability, Excellence, and Openness – They are not only the Company's core values, but also my personal principles.

Adriel with his boards

Pushing Boundaries

A glimpse into his social media reveals another side to the Chair – he embraces the thrill of skateboarding, a hobby he had until recently been reluctant to talk about. "In the past, skateboarding was somewhat unorthodox in the public’s mind. This has changed in the past decade, and I am now willing to share my passion for the sport."

His love for skateboarding was sparked by an eagerness to challenge himself. "When I was 13 or 14, a classmate brought a skateboard to school. A group of us tried it out, but no one could do a single trick. I thought to myself, ‘Why could others jump so high?’ That really pushed me to try over and over, and I gradually fell in love with this sport." 

Adriel found that doing tricks on the skateboard required patience and perseverance. "A fundamental trick is to jump, what we call doing an 'ollie'. It took me a really long time to nail the trick."

Adriel's dedication to learning new tricks demonstrates another of his core beliefs – “pushing boundaries” – something he often mentions. "This is absolutely an important part of my mentality, not only in terms of my approach to skateboarding, but also to work and life. You should always push boundaries and try to be better, which brings continuous improvement. As a company we respect and recognize this kind of boundary pushing, but it is equally meaningful on a personal level as well."

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